Monday, September 20, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

My weekend started off fun. It all started on friday when I went home from school and made bunch of food and then went out for the rest of the day. Saturday, my family and I went to get my cuz. When we got there we had to drop off her friend someplace and then we went home we went to hang out with friends. Sunday we went to get her friend and then I had an idea to go to the "Leap". The Leap is a giant rock formation near the river and teenagers jump into the water there. So we got a ride there and I jumped off the rock and went into winter-like water. It was freezing and took my breath away!!! I got out and then dried off before walking to Rite Aid where we got picked up. We went back home and my cuz dropped off her friend at his house because he did not feel good. Meanwhile, I was at home having yelling battle with my father and the rest night sucked big time. The good news is that I went to bed early and woke up rested for school today.