the thanksgiving day was good. thursday aka thanksgiving moring i woke up to the smell of stuffing yummy. I went to clean up before the macys day parade. soo when i came down stairs there it was the family tradtion parade.when i was sitting there watching the parade i was thinking how cool would it be to be there and experience all the stuff you see on t.v. After the parade was done i went to the kitchen and help otu cooking. my favorite thing to cook thanksgiving would be deviled eggs.
So after we all made the food me and my mom went to get my cuz and me her were talking about how this is going to be my cuz first thankgiving with us. when we got back home me and my cuz went to the trails to talk about hows she doing and this usllay wat we do when she comes down and vist. dinner was done me and my family sitting down to eat and said a prayer for poeple who coundnt join us that night. everything was good and everybody was happy and full of food. So my uncle had a idea that we should all go out for a ride soo we hope in his jeep and went for a three hour drive. we got back and went to bed bc it was late and that is my thankings day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving day
Thanksgiving day is a good day for me. that day im thankfull for having a family and have poeple who care about me. But the thing im more thankfull for is are soldiers in war are fighting for use but they need more prays and stuff. bc if we dint have them iin war myabe that would mean bye bye to the untide states . but have a good thankgiving day eat lot and say a prayer for every one.
A better friday
On friday November 19 2010 was a good day and that strange because i use mess around or get in trouble or somthing like that. I belive the reson why i changed my mood and how i act was that i was being paid by going to the computer lab for good behavior and i hope later on the futer i will be better for the teacher.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
my two days off
this two days are going to be amazing. wendays when i get home im going hunting with uncle and then come home and eat dinner. after hat im staying up all night and watching t.v. then wake up thursday and watch the pacife all day lol have a great two days.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
my weekand
This weekand should be fun. friday my cuz should be coming over and me and her rase hell all the time sooo yea. saturday i will be sleeping in and then later i will be at a movie i was in to show to sanford. sunday will my lazy day were i do nothing at all unless i get up and go for a long walk later.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
My weekend started off fun. It all started on friday when I went home from school and made bunch of food and then went out for the rest of the day. Saturday, my family and I went to get my cuz. When we got there we had to drop off her friend someplace and then we went home we went to hang out with friends. Sunday we went to get her friend and then I had an idea to go to the "Leap". The Leap is a giant rock formation near the river and teenagers jump into the water there. So we got a ride there and I jumped off the rock and went into winter-like water. It was freezing and took my breath away!!! I got out and then dried off before walking to Rite Aid where we got picked up. We went back home and my cuz dropped off her friend at his house because he did not feel good. Meanwhile, I was at home having yelling battle with my father and the rest night sucked big time. The good news is that I went to bed early and woke up rested for school today.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
the summer
i cant wait for the summer because i will be working for more hours on community service and then when we are done working we go on free field trips on fridays. then after thats done im going swimming a lot and fishing a lot. then when that done we all go back to school yay woo.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
so one day my friend told me about thise new vidoe named halomen. So i got bored at the computer lab and i watch it and i just bust out luaghing . everyone was watching me luagh and that day was great
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Vacation
my vaction was fun because monday through wensday i hang out with my girlfriend. monday we went to the beaach and took pic of each other and then went back home and made her some dinner. tuesday we went the park to swim in the cold water but before went swimming i fell in the water with every thing in my pocket so my phone broke and my ipod brok and then came back to life. then we went swimming. after that we went out to eat and then back home.wenday i spent a hour hanging out with my girlfriend and then went home and sleap for the rest of the day. thursday we started the sanford movie at the high school and spent the next day there for lunch we had wings and more chicken for food. friday we shot my scene were i play kid who is down all the time. saturdy we spent the whole day shooting more scenes and then we went to a another town to shoot the party scene and that dint get over till 1:00 am in the moring. sunday i dint get till 10:00 am and then spent the whole day outside playing games and the driving a truck for the first time and the went home to make dinner again. my vacation was fun a lot.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hey every one. My April vac is ng to be cool because im hanging out with my girlfriend at my friends house. Then we are going the leap and cooking some hotdogs and some burgers and drinking some MONSTER !!!!!!. so every one have a good april vac
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
R.I.P Captain Phil Harris

Capt. Phil Harris, one of the signature personalities that made the reality series "Deadliest
Catch" such a gigantic breakout hit for the Discovery Channel, died Tuesday (February 9) at the
age of 53."Discovery mourns the loss of dear friend and colleague Captain Phil Harris a statement
from the channel said. "He was more than someone on our television screen. Phil was a devoted
father and loyal friend to all who knew him. We will miss his straightforward honesty, wicked sense
of humor and enormous heart. We share our tremendous sadness over this loss with the millions of
viewers who followed Phil's every move."
my february vaction plans

my february plans will be hanging at my friends and sleeping and playing games on my Xbox
360 and computer. But lets start out with me hanging out with my friends. my friend has a huge
house and that a lot of fun. sleeping is fun because you stay up till 3:00 in the moring and then i
wake up at 3:00 pm. my xbox 360 and my computer is the most fun of all the time because i
play games for a straight 2 hours and i love.
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